July 23, 2019

Man doing programming

Programming Problems: Computer Mistakes That Cost Millions

Small things can lead to great disasters, given the right circumstances. An unwatched spark can burn down a forest. A single pebble can bring down an avalanche. And a few lines of codes can cost an organization millions of dollars. Below are some of the worst computer errors in the history of the field.  Businesses

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Is Homeschooling the Right Choice for You and Your Child?

The number of children being homeschooled in the United States is growing annually. In fact, that number is up to 10% annually. There are considerable benefits to homeschooling your child since it is less expensive, and you will have complete control over what your child learns. But many parents are doubtful that the public school

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Person calculating something

How to Deal With Clients Who Don’t Pay Their Invoices on Time

When doing business with clients, you expect proper payment for your products, services, and labor. However, what do you do if payments are late, or, worse, don’t come through at all? Regardless of why you haven’t received payments, unpaid invoices could put a dent in your business’ finances. If you have taken the necessary precautions

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Friends hanging out at a brewery

The Craft Brewery Brackets: Microbreweries, Nanobreweries, and So On

Craft Brewery Defined Craft Brewers are small and independent beer brewing businesses with an annual production of 6 million beer barrels or less and with less than 25% of the brewery being owned and/or controlled by an industry member who is not the craft brewer. Additionally, craft brewers are characterized by innovative flavors and packaging

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Is Homeschooling the Right Choice for You and Your Child?

The number of children being homeschooled in the United States is growing annually. In fact, that number is up to 10% annually. There are considerable benefits to homeschooling your child since it is less expensive, and you will have complete control over what your child learns. But many parents are doubtful that the public school

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