June 1, 2021

home owners planning a renovation

Home Renovation: How to Turn Your Passion into a Business

If you do not want the cut-throat competition involved in selling houses, the next best thing for you is to tap into the renovation side of the industry. You have the flexibility to either run a full-time operation or make it your part-time job and accept projects as your side gig. Either way, you will

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woman working

How to Start a Small Business from the Ground Up

The ongoing pandemic greatly impacted not just our way of life but also our source of income. Many ended up unemployed, and those who managed to save up enough money took the risk and started their own business. If you are currently thinking of starting your own small-scale company to financially adapt to the new

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frustrated businessman

Is Filing for Bankruptcy the Right Move for You?

In a parallel universe, every person on earth will be satisfied and content with the life they have because they aren’t struggling to make ends meet. They will be free to do what they want without the fear of financial repercussions because they can afford everything their heart desires. But sadly, this is not a

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