How the Internet Is Changing the Landscape of Education

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All of us, one way or another, have benefited from the Internet. Whether we actively consume it or not, the Internet is being used all around us, that it has generally advanced our society’s mode of living. When we need to learn something, we just pull our smartphones out of our pockets and use the different search engines to access information. When we need to talk to our friends, family, and colleagues, the various networking sites are there for us. When news outlets need to spread information quickly, the Internet is their best option.

While there are disadvantages to unregulated Internet use, one can’t deny how much this innovation has influenced our lives. One industry where we can safely say the Internet has boosted and improved is education. In this article, we’ll tell you how the landscape of learning is changing rapidly because of the Internet.

The Role of the Internet in Education

Today more than ever, we have seen that the Internet is one of the most powerful tools we can use to progress the educational industry. We might not even be able to continue in this pursuit if it wasn’t for the Internet. If you haven’t seen this connection yet, here are some of the most important roles that the Internet plays in education.


The cost of a college education ranges somewhere between $20,000 to $50,000 per year. Keep in mind that this does not yet include primary to senior high school education. This is one of the leading causes why plenty of people can’t afford to go to school. This becomes a major problem because education is one of the most important pillars in keeping a nation successful.

Thankfully, students do not have to go to school anymore because education can now be accessed through the Internet. This makes education affordable for almost anyone since they can learn anything from the Internet, provided that they have a connection.

Teacher-student Communication

We’ve all been affected by the pandemic, but educational institutions are perhaps one of the many that took the hardest blows. Many schools were forced to shut down because students are discouraged from interacting physically with other people as the close proximity heightens their risk of contracting the virus. This paved the way for a new model of education: virtual learning. This allowed teachers and students to communicate with one another and hold online classes to continue their education.

Data Storage

Thanks to the Internet, learners can also access lessons anytime they want, and teachers can use student information to make assessments. This is possible via software that archives data and keeps it in cloud-based storage. Through this, anyone who has an Internet connection can open these channels for personal consumption and other purposes.


Worldwide Educational Development

The educational industry will keep on developing as new techniques and strategies for effective teaching are discovered. Through research, educational institutions can keep track of students’ current trends and behaviors when it comes to keeping and retaining information. Because of this, strategies that apply the psychology of learning are developed and shared with the world for more efficient teaching methods.

Digital Media

As we progress further into the 21st century, the world of technology is becoming more evident around us. This puts the responsibility on schools and educational institutions to prepare the younger generation for the professional world where they are supposed to interact with the new technology. The presence of digital media in curriculums and schools helps this endeavor. By allowing learners to use the current trends in the technological world, they will be more equipped to handle the challenges of their future careers.

Moreover, the use of digital media in teaching students also makes the transfer of information and knowledge more interesting and effective. These multimedia tools help students learn a concept quicker and with outstanding comprehension through visual presentations, demonstrations, and diagrams.

Keep Students Updated

Finally, the Internet also helps students stay updated with current news, trends, and other information. Since most students have networking sites, it has become easier to inform them about certain changes in school policies and regulations, as well as remind them about projects or assignments.

Additionally, because schools are the microcosm of society, events outside the institution must be integrated and discussed inside the classroom to teach learners the importance of learning if they wish to change the world for the better. It will not be possible if students do not have access to information about these events in the first place, and the Internet bridges this gap.

We are not here to make an argument that the Internet brings nothing but positive effects to students and society. There is a downside to it. However, when we utilize this innovation to develop our educational strategies, its advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

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