Misconceptions About Digital Transformation and The Truth Behind Them

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Today, digital transformation is vital for business growth. Many company leaders however are apprehensive about embracing technology. In fact, many misconceptions about transformation are preventing organizations from adopting efficient digital strategies. They fear that transforming their business will deter loyal customers, leave employees disgruntled, or demand a lot from their budget. But mostly, they don’t understand the transformation 100% or that they’re not confident enough to take the chance.

In truth, however, these fears are unfounded. They are simply myths. According to Gartner, they have observed how myths rise when new technology are introduced to a market and quickly gain attention and hype. Unfortunately, the technology research firm strongly believes misconceptions can be threatening for businesses.

Since the pandemic began, digital transformation has been a wide-ranging change undertaken by businesses. Businesses can benefit a lot from embracing different kinds of technologies in their operations. Giving in to their fears or believing in myths can set them back from moving forward and growing. It hinders innovation.

Addressing the Myths

Digital Transformation should be a priority for businesses to adapt to changing customer preferences and business models. As a company leader or business owner, you need to figure out how your organization can deal with the changes and take advantage of it.

No longer is digital transformation an option. It’s become a necessary strategy that’s why they’re everywhere. If you learn of a misconception or a myth, you should investigate them and learn the truth, so you can adopt digital transformation in your business. Here are the most common misconceptions about digital transformation and the truth behind them.

Only Large Enterprises Can Adopt Digital Transformation

Pfizer, Lego, Home Depot, and Schneider Electric were some huge companies that underwent digital transformation. However, digital transformation isn’t just for big companies. They may be the first ones to adopt it, but it’s not exclusively reserved for them.

Digital transformation can be done by all businesses, no matter what their size is. Technology is in fact, scalable and flexible. There are technologies that can be used on a small scale, while there are ones that can be leveraged to automate huge operations.

One of the reasons for the growing fear about this misconception is the belief that digital transformation should be done extensively, all at once. For small businesses, it can be adopted gradually. For example, a small company can leverage cloud-based technologies to automate its payroll system.

Digital transformation can start from the basics and move forward extensively as the months or years progress.

Only Business Models and Operations are Digitally Transformed

When you build a high-performance gaming PC, you’ll need the best parts and software. In an organization, the parts and software will accelerate your digital transformation.

Digital transformation isn’t just a strategy. It should be implemented to improve current business models, processes, and strategies that already exist in an organization. These are your parts and software, and your organization is the custom-built PC.

You’ll need digital transformation to improve your business and allow it to grow and become competitive.

Only Technology Officers and IT Personnel Can Take the Initiative

Today’s technology officers and IT team should be capable of moving digital transformation across a company. Digital transformation, after all, may require IT teams to design and develop new technological capabilities that will be used across an organization. For this reason, IT teams should be adept at using technology and how to customize them according to the needs of a company.

Technology officers meanwhile, can either be the chief information officer (CIO) or chief digital officer (CDO). According to CIO magazine, these officers should nurture and grow the application of digital technology in a company. They should reshape the IT team, so their goals are aligned. This is the key reason why technology officers should win the support of CEOs and other company executives. Everybody should have aligned technology goals in an organization.

Digital transformation however, isn’t a strategy that can be done by people in technology alone. They have a better understanding of it, but it’s not entirely their responsibility. In fact, one misconception about this is that only technology officers “own” digital transformation in companies.

Because digital transformation is implemented organization-wide, the leader should be the owner or CEO. A business owner or CEO should have a clear vision of the end result of a digital transformation. This must be communicated to the CIO or CDO, who will in turn disseminate the message to the IT team and the rest of the company.

Digital Transformation Can’t Wait

It’s easy to put off misconceptions. But the longer you leave it hanging, without giving it thought or action, the farther you’ll be away from your competitors.

Learn more about how you can digitally transform all aspect of your business, so it can grow and become more competitive today.

About the Author

Contact: support@theearthawards.org

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