Dealing with Low Self-esteem: What to Do


Low self-esteem is something that many people struggle with. Whether it be a natural or learned feeling, you have to know how to deal with it to live your best life. A lot of the time, low self-esteem develops due to constant criticism from others or oneself over time. If left untreated, this can lead to depression, anxiety, or even suicidal thoughts.

It’s crucial for those struggling with low self-esteem to take care of themselves and find things they love about themselves and coping mechanisms for when those feelings arise. In this article, we’ll go over eight ways that will help you build up your confidence and start loving yourself again.

Physical Appearance

This is something that can be difficult for people to change. However, if you don’t like aspects of your physical appearance, talk to a doctor or dermatologist about it. Find out what you can do to change how you feel about yourself. You might enjoy wearing different clothes that make you feel good or even changing the way you wear your makeup. You can also fix or improve your smile by undergoing cosmetic dental procedures. These are all things that can make you feel more confident.

Makeup can help people feel better when they don’t feel attractive. If applied the right way, it can enhance your features and give you a little boost of confidence whenever you need it. Before applying makeup, the best thing to do is make sure your skin is moisturized and primed for color. You should start with the foundation by applying a moisturizer and then a primer before brushing on the powder or cream-based product, whichever works best for your skin type.

From there, apply concealer under the eyes, between eyebrows, around the edge of your nose, down the center of your forehead, on your chin, and any blemishes or dark spots on your face. Next, use a slightly lighter shade of foundation and apply it to the area where your jaw meets your neck. Finally, apply blush to the apples of your cheeks and blend well.


Find what type of clothing makes you feel confident and comfortable, even if it’s different from what other people think is in style at the moment. You can keep up with current styles or trends, but if they don’t make you feel good about yourself, then don’t wear them. Find clothes that are flattering for your figure type, whether it be curvy or slim-fit.

It doesn’t matter how much money you spend when buying clothes that fit this criterion, either. You can find high-end brands or bargain-basement prices that will rock your world.

At this point, you might feel like you’re at a loss as to what to wear. In that case, find some inspiration by browsing fashion blogs or the fashion section of your favorite website. It doesn’t matter how old you are or where you live; there is always something new and exciting going on in the world of fashion that will inspire anyone.

General Health

Your physical health has a lot to do with how confident and happy you are overall. So if you’re feeling down, take stock of the ways staying healthy could help boost those feelings. Try walking around with your friends more, working out at the gym during lunch, or trying yoga with your spouse at home on Sunday mornings instead of sleeping in.

You can also try joining a boxing or martial arts class for an exciting way to work out, eat better, and meet people who love the same activity. The goals you make with your new workout buddy will keep you accountable until you’ve developed lifelong habits that promote happiness and good health.

Eating healthy is challenging for most people because fast food is everywhere. However, it’s crucial that we set aside time each day to sit down with friends or loved ones to enjoy home-cooked meals made from fresh ingredients. Don’t forget about breakfast since it is said to be the most important meal of the day when it comes to energy levels, so always try having some oatmeal on the stove first thing the morning before anything else, even before checking your Facebook or email.

Socialization and Relationships


Spending time with people you love can make all the difference when trying to deal with low self-esteem. Try finding a group of friends who share similar interests and values and hold regular meetings so that everyone feels like they belong. Join online chat groups in your spare time for an exciting way to meet new people from across the globe. You might even find your future best friend.

Love is also something we should never take for granted, so always try to spend some quality time with that special someone in your life, whether it be a date night at home making dinner together followed by a movie or taking a long walk outside under the stars. Being alone is great but being lonely isn’t.

Taking time for yourself is an integral part of life that can superficially improve your mood and self-confidence. Try the steps above to see if you feel better about yourself after spending some quality “me time” de-stressing, enjoying hobbies, staying healthy, socializing, and living a happy lifestyle with friends and family.

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