Dirty Office Carpets Can Negatively Affect Your Employees

Office with gray carpet

Many offices have carpets installed. Carpets increase the aesthetics of the workplace. Neutral carpets are easy on the eyes and exude professionalism. Carpets with bright colours add a spark of energy to an office space and foster activity. Additionally, carpets reduce noise by absorbing sound, helping employees to focus. They control the noise in your office and minimize sound transmission to the rooms below.

However, carpets may trap pollutants like mould spores and dust presenting a health hazard to employees. Vacuuming is easy to do, but it doesn’t remove all the dirt that accumulates deep within the material. Here in London, there are commercial carpet cleaning services that can do the work properly for you.

The cleanliness of an office space matters. It promotes a professional atmosphere, as well as healthy office living. A dirty workplace dampens the mood of the employees. They feel that management does not care about their comfort and well-being. When they feel uncared for, they might look for better opportunities elsewhere.

Your employees are your greatest resource. Here’s how dirty carpets in your office can affect staff performance and lessen your company’s image.

The health dangers

If you don’t regularly clean your carpet, mould spores may grow. Even a simple spill of water may cause mould to grow rapidly. The mould causes allergic reactions in people sensitive to pollen, dust and other airborne particles, resulting in sick days. Mould also activates fever-type symptoms and skin rashes. Additionally, they cause asthma attacks in sufferers and allergic reactions including skin and throat irritation, watery eyes and a runny nose.

Dust mites are another cause of sneezing and other allergic reactions. These pests grow rapidly, especially in dirty carpets, also causing respiratory problems.

Reduced productivity

Stressed out employeeNo one wants to work in an office that smells and looks bad. Working in a dirty environment causes discomfort and lowers morale. Dirty carpets become breeding grounds for unwanted microorganisms, contributing to a negative work environment and affecting the mood of your employees. When they feel uncomfortable, they may feel unmotivated to give their best efforts.

A dirty office may also result in your employees filing for sick leave. The unclean environment makes them susceptible to diseases, hampering their productivity levels. When employees start to get sick, you might want to check up on the state of your office — carpets included.

Negative Company Image

The carpet contributes to the first impressions of your company when a new employee steps into the office. The same goes for potential clients and other important visitors. By maintaining the upkeep of your office, you are also presenting a positive image to your clients; remember ‒ a stain on the carpet may result in a stained reputation.

As a business owner, the cleanliness of the office carpet may not be the first thing you consider. But carpeting is a major component of your office, and keeping it clean, along with the office in general, leaves a lasting impression. Carpets make your office look beautiful, so make sure they don’t contribute negatively to office life.

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