Helping Your Children Choose a Hobby That They’ll Love

kid playing piano

Hobbies are essential for kids just as they are for adults. From an early age, you probably have a good idea of what kind of things your child gravitates towards. However, children’s interests can continuously change as they grow up and discover new things, just like adults do. But in some cases, your child may need some extra help to find a hobby that they’ll love; something that you can definitely assist them with as their main source of guidance.

If your child can’t seem to find a hobby that they want to stick to, here are some of the best ways you can help them explore and discover things that they’ll love:

1. Make a list

Start by sitting down with your child and listing down their interests. Talk about what kind of things they like to do and what other hobbies they want to try in the future. A list will give you something concrete to base future explorations on. As such, this list shouldn’t be set in stone; let your child take off things from the list or add new ones as they please.

2. Join them

Sometimes, kids are hesitant to try a new hobby because they don’t want to do it alone. That said, it may be a good idea to join them in their exploration. For instance, if they want to try out dancing, maybe find a rehearsal room for rent and take dance classes with just the two of you at first (and perhaps with the other parent or siblings as well). If they want to explore gardening but are unsure about it, get another pair of gloves and spend a few afternoons digging in the soil with them.

Aside from making it a bonding activity between you and your child, joining them while trying out a new hobby can give them the confidence that they need to pursue it further.

3. Avoid discouraging a new hobby

online learning

Hobbies can be expensive, and you may be hesitant to buy a new set of sports gear or a bucketful of art materials if there is a chance that they won’t pursue that hobby further. However, avoid discouraging a new hobby that your child shows interest in right off the bat. If this new interest that they want to explore costs a significant amount of money, have them understand that they have to be sure of what they want to pursue. Children may not yet have a good grasp of money, but they will be able to understand that they have to be solid in their decisions.

Give them a few days to think it over. If they still say yes, invest in the basic gear or materials that they need for the hobby. Who knows? Maybe it will bloom into a lifelong passion? But even if it turns out that they don’t like it, the money is not truly ‘wasted’ because at least you tried. You can always sell the gear afterward or give it away to another family member.

4. Give them guidance

Letting your child explore their newfound hobby on their own is a great way to promote independence, curiosity, and imagination. Moreover, teaching themselves a new skill can help your child learn it faster and better.

However, your child may still need your guidance from time to time. For instance, if your child is learning how to play the guitar, they may need your help with learning a difficult chord. Or if they are dabbling in sculpture, you may need to assist them with what to do next when they get stuck.

The trick is to offer guidance, but be far enough for them to learn on their own. Over time, your child will build enough confidence and skill that they would no longer need your help.

5. Let them move on

Even if your child is an amazing artist or piano player, they may still outgrow their hobbies as they grow up and discover new things. If they no longer want to engage in their hobbies, don’t pressure them to continue or guilt them because of the investments you’ve put into their hobbies. Let them move on and find explore new things that spark their interests. Perhaps they will revisit their hobbies as adults, but for now, allow them to outgrow the things they used to love doing and find new ones.

Hobbies are essential for a child’s growth and development, especially in this new digital age. Follow these tips to help your children pick something that they want to pursue, and maybe learn the hobby yourself so that you can grow together.

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