How Extra-Curricular Activities Help Set-Up Your Child for Success in Life

happy kid

Children are extraordinary beings. Most adults underestimate them and, unfortunately, more often than not, underestimate them and their capacity.

We usually give them a lot less credit than they deserve. They are marvelous creatures that show far more potential than the grown-ups of their time. As each generation emerges, you can’t help but wonder what amazing feats these kids will accomplish when they take over the world.

A lot of their potential can only be realized with the proper care and support from their parents and those around them. Education can help them get there but that’s just a small piece of the puzzle.

Other factors such as parents’ time and attention, mentoring, and extra-curricular involvements help them become well-rounded individuals and gain wisdom and knowledge that can help put them in a position where they can become more successful than their parents.

How Extra-Curricular Activities Benefit Your Child

1. They help in a child’s holistic development

Yes, a student’s priority is his or her academics. But getting involved in extra activities is also good for the overall development of children, whether they’re kindergartners or senior high students. They learn a lot of things that are not exactly taught in the classroom. They begin to experience what

2. They help develop discipline

Children are taught discipline at an early age (which sometimes entails some disciplining from the parents). Getting involved with extra activities help reinforce discipline because it helps teach kids to manage their time and fulfill all of their commitments without sacrificing or compromising other things.

3. They teach children the value of commitment

When you join a school club or org, they usually ask you to be involved for the entire school year. Students who actively take part in co-curricular activities begin to learn what it’s like to commit to something and see it through. This will serve them well later on in life when it comes to their work and their relationships.

4. Children are more inclined to grow up sociable and personable

Let’s admit it. It’s hard to make new friends. But one of the easiest ways to make friends is through extra-curricular activities. More than just enhancing their skill set, students get the opportunity to know people who have similar interests. Sometimes, lifelong friendships are developed by joining extra-curricular clubs and organizations.

Which Extra-Curricular Activities Are Worth Your Child’s Time

surprise gift for daughter

1. Arts and Crafs

Arts and crafts help your children to be creative, resourceful, and patient. Even if they do not grow up as artists, the things that they learn can be translated into different aspects of their lives. Creativity and resourcefulness teach them to think out of the box and critical thinking. Patience on the other hand can come in handy especially when one is anxious or dealing with something (or someone) difficult.

2. Music Lessons

Violin, drums, guitar, and piano lessons are some of the typical music classes parents enroll their kids in. It might seem impractical or useless to some people but a lot can be gained from these classes. If you start them out at a young age, these classes help kids develop their fine motor skills and give them an avenue for creative expression.

3. Dance Classes

Dance lessons, whether ballet, modern, tap, Dancesport, or hip hop, are great extra-curricular activities for children of all ages. Dance is a fun physical activity that allows them to master their bodies, improve their endurance, and boost their immune system. It’s also a great mental exercise because of the routines they need to memorize. Plus, it’s a fun way to stay in shape and get fit.

4. Sports and Physical Activities

Just like dance, sports, and other physical activities, helps kids become healthier with all the exercise they’re getting. And similar to dance, the discipline that one needs to excel in sports will carry over to other areas in life, such as their studies and their responsibilities at home.

5. Organizations and Clubs

If your child has no natural inclination for the arts and sports or doesn’t have any “talents,” perhaps they can join other organizations, such as a book club or writers’ club. Just because they don’t have any physical skills doesn’t mean they cannot find a group of people that share their same interests. Being involved with these clubs, at the very least, lets them become more sociable and teaches them how to relate and work with others.

Encouraging your child to take on activities outside their academics will help prepare them for life after school. Just make sure you don’t overdo it. Let them also have time for the things they want to do. Like everything in life, the key is to maintain a balance that will give them the opportunity to build the right habits and enjoy life while they’re at it.

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