What Is Instructor Led Training and Why Is It Effective?

an instructor monitoring his students

When it comes to employee training and development, instructor led training (ILT) is a popular method. It’s a surefire way of ensuring employees gain the skills they need to succeed in their roles.

But why is ILT so effective? We’ll answer this question by exploring what ILT is, the purpose of such training, and the benefits of using it. We’ll also be explaining how to design an effective ILT program to help you reach your goals.

Read on and discover why ILT is an invaluable tool for any organization!

virtual instructor

What Is Instructor-Led Training?

Instructor-Led Training (ILT) is one of the most popular ways to learn and stay up-to-date on a particular skill, product, or subject. It’s an effective way to make an impact quickly by giving participants immediate feedback from experienced instructors.

ILT differs from other training methods such as eLearning, webinars, and independent learning because it takes place in a traditional classroom setting or virtually through digital technology. This type of face-to-face learning allows for active engagement between the instructor and the student. Additionally, ILT offers learners opportunities to practice their skills with the guidance of a knowledgeable instructor.

Types of ILT

There are two main types of ILT: classroom-based and virtual. 

Traditional classroom-based ILT is taught in a physical environment where students can learn and interact face-to-face with an instructor and other participants. Classroom-based training can be more effective for hands-on training, such as technical or practical skills.

But what is virtual instructor led training? Virtual instructor led training involves learning from home or the office through digital technology such as web conferencing. It offers interactive features, such as virtual breakout rooms and whiteboards, that allow learners to collaborate with each other and the instructor.

No matter which type of ILT you choose, it’s sure to be an effective teaching method that will give you the confidence and knowledge you need to stay updated on your chosen topic. And whether it’s done in person or online, instructor-led training allows for interactive discussion and feedback that’s tailored directly to each learner’s needs.

Why Is Instructor-Led Training Effective?

ILT training is becoming the preferred method for learning and developing skills in the corporate world. In this section, we will explore why ILT is a practical approach to learning:

Advantages of ILT Over Other Training Methods

ILT has many benefits over other training methods, such as online courses, self-study tutorials, and videos. One of the main advantages of ILT is that it offers learners a structured and guided learning experience. Unlike self-paced online learning or on-the-job training, ILT provides learners with a designated time and place to learn, which can help them stay on track and motivated.

ILT offers learners the opportunity to interact with an instructor and other learners directly and ask questions when needed, which can enhance their learning experience through social interaction and collaboration. Also, it eliminates confusion that may arise when trying to understand a specific concept.

In addition, an experienced instructor can tailor the lecture or coursework to focus on specific areas or topics that need more attention. This personalized learning experience helps learners of all abilities to absorb and comprehend the material more quickly.

Learning Styles and How ILT Addresses Them

Individuals have different learning styles, and ILT can gauge these personal preferences more effectively than other training methods. ILT takes into account different learning styles by providing a variety of activities and materials that cater to each learner’s unique needs.

For example, visual learners may benefit from slides or videos, while auditory learners may prefer lectures or podcasts. This multi-faceted approach not only helps students understand the material better but also keeps them engaged and motivated throughout the learning process. On the other hand, auditory learners may benefit from listening to an instructor’s lecture.

ILT also offers learners the opportunity to receive personalized feedback from an instructor, which can help them identify areas where they need to improve and tailor their learning experience to their specific needs.

face to face session with an instructor

Benefits of Face-To-Face Interaction and Real-Time Feedback

Another advantage of ILT is that it provides learners with face-to-face interaction with an instructor, which can enhance their learning experience by allowing them to ask questions and receive real-time feedback on their performance.

This is particularly important for learners who need clarification or have difficulty understanding a particular concept, helping them improve their skills more quickly. Also, it is beneficial for learners who need to apply their new skills in a practical setting, such as in the workplace.

Finally, the open dialogue can help build a connection between student and teacher, as well as provide an opportunity for positive reinforcement. Instructors can identify any misconceptions or lack of understanding on the part of the learner early on.

How to Design Effective Instructor-Led Training

Instructor-led training (ILT) is an effective way to deliver materials, allowing for real-time interaction with the instructor as well as other participants. However, simply gathering materials and having an instructor present isn’t enough to create an effective ILT program.

Designing effective ILT programs can be challenging. In this section, we will explore the factors to consider when designing ILT programs, tips for designing effective ILT sessions, and best practices for incorporating technology into ILT to ensure success:

Factors to Consider When Designing ILT Programs

When designing an ILT program, take into account the expected learning outcomes and establish clear objectives. This helps you align your content with the desired outcome and ensures that all elements of your program support this purpose. It’s also important to plan for adequate time for activities related to each objective, such as discussion, practice exercises, and review, to give learners ample opportunity to apply the knowledge.

Other factors to consider are the following:

  • Audience: Who is the target audience for the ILT program, and what are their learning needs and preferences?
  • Content: What content will be covered in the ILT program, and how will it be organized and delivered?
  • Instructional methods: What instructional methods will be used in the ILT program, such as lectures, discussions, case studies, or simulations?
  • Assessment: What methods will be used to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of the program?

Tips For Designing Effective ILT Sessions

There are several tips to consider when designing effective ILT sessions. An important factor is engaging your learners and keeping their attention throughout the session. To do this, incorporate activities group work, problem-solving tasks, case studies, simulations, and discussion forums. Additionally, don’t forget to provide a variety of materials, such as videos, demonstrations, and visuals, to keep participants actively engaged in learning.

Other effective tips for designing effective ILT sessions:

  • Use real-world examples: You will make the content more relevant and relatable to learners.
  • Provide feedback: Provide learners with timely feedback on their progress and performance to help them recognize areas for improvement.
  • Vary instructional methods: By doing this, you will cater to different learning styles and preferences.
  • Manage time effectively: Manage time effectively by allocating appropriate amounts of time for each instructional activity and ensuring that the ILT session stays on schedule.

online instructor technologies

Best Practices for Incorporating Technology Into ILT

Finally, it’s important to incorporate technology into ILT programs where appropriate to maximize learning potential. For example, incorporating interactive whiteboards or digital polling tools can help engage students, while having them process complex concepts with visual aids or audio-visuals can facilitate a better understanding.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that technology should not be the main focus – rather, its use should supplement an overall effective training program.

Here are things to keep in mind when incorporating technology into ILT:

  • Choose appropriate technology: Choose technology appropriate for the learning objectives and instructional methods of the ILT program.
  • Provide training: Provide learners with training on how to use the technology effectively.
  • Ensure accessibility: Ensure the technology is accessible to everyone, including learners with disabilities.
  • Monitor and evaluate: Keep track of the effectiveness of the technology and adjust it as necessary.

By following these best practices for designing ILT programs, you can create an engaging and effective learning environment where participants can effectively learn the material. With this approach, learners will be sure to walk away with a greater understanding of content and be better equipped to apply it in their professional lives.

Implementing Instructor-Led Training

Implementing ILT programs can be challenging. Without proper planning and organization, it’s easy for a business or educational institution to find itself struggling with implementation issues. In this section, we will explore the challenges of implementing ILT programs, strategies for overcoming those challenges, and best practices for evaluating the effectiveness of ILT programs:

Challenges in Implementing ILT Programs

One of the primary challenges in implementing ILT programs is finding qualified instructors knowledgeable about the topics being taught. Before even beginning to look for instructors, you need to have a clear idea of what your expectations are and what qualifications they must meet. Once you have this information prepared, you can begin researching potential instructors and interviewing them to find out if they are a good fit for your program.

Another challenge is making sure that your instructors stay up to date on the topics they are teaching. Instructors must keep themselves informed of new developments and research related to their topic areas to ensure they deliver the most comprehensive information possible.

Other challenges you can face are the following:

  • Cost: ILT programs can be expensive to develop and deliver, especially if they involve travel or the rental of training space.
  • Time: ILT programs can be time-consuming to develop and deliver, especially if they require customization for a specific audience or learning objectives.
  • Scalability: ILT programs can be difficult to scale, as they typically require a physical instructor and a limited number of learners in a classroom setting.
  • Technology: The use of technology in ILT programs can present challenges, such as technical issues or difficulty in incorporating technology effectively.

Strategies for Overcoming Challenges

To simplify the implementation process, it’s a good idea to have a clear plan with specific goals outlined before beginning the program. This will help ensure that everyone involved knows exactly what needs to be accomplished.

Additionally, having an organized system of communication between instructors, staff members, and any other parties involved in the program will keep everyone on the same page.

Other strategies that organizations can use to overcome the challenges are the following:

  • Prioritize ILT programs: Ensure that ILT programs are given adequate budget and time to develop and deliver effectively.
  • Customize ILT programs: Do this to meet the objectives of the target audience.
  • Use a blended approach: Combine ILT with other delivery methods, such as e-learning or microlearning, to increase scalability and effectiveness.
  • Use technology wisely: Choose technology appropriate for the learning objectives and instructional methods of the ILT program, and provide learners with training on how to use the technology effectively.

Best Practices for Evaluating the Effectiveness of ILT Programs

To ensure that ILT programs are effective, evaluate their impact. This can be done through surveys, focus groups, or any other feedback-gathering methods you choose. Use metrics, such as learner satisfaction or knowledge retention, to measure the effectiveness of the ILT program. Monitor learner progress and performance throughout the ILT program to identify areas for improvement.

It’s also a good idea to have instructors and staff members review the program regularly and provide their recommendations for improvement. Use feedback and evaluation data to continuously improve the ILT program and ensure it remains relevant and effective over time.


Instructor led training (ILT) is an effective and essential tool for organizations when it comes to training their staff. It allows instructors to lead learners through important topics, demonstrate relevant practical applications, and provide resources for further learning.

By providing a comprehensive yet tailored approach, ILT programs create high-quality learning experiences far more effective than the traditional one-size-fits-all approach of online training modules.

Organizations should consider investing in ILT as part of their overall learning strategy to increase employee satisfaction and productivity. With this method, employers can ensure their team members have access to the skills they need to succeed and make sure that any gaps are addressed promptly. With its tailored approach and proven effectiveness, investing in ILT is an essential step toward creating a successful organization.

About the Author

Contact: support@theearthawards.org

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