Kids and Teens Coping with Death: How You Can Help

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Death is inevitable, and that’s a fact. Lives can be prolonged, but there are certain unforeseen circumstances that could lead to a person’s demise, among which are road accidents. Should an untimely death occur in the family as a result of this, the adults are expected to have a better grasp on their emotions despite the overwhelming grief.

While grieving, they also have the responsibility of accomplishing certain tasks. Depending on the scenario, this may begin with contacting a car accident injury lawyer or insurance company before moving on to funeral arrangements, which include choosing a mortician and a burial spot in Salt Lake City.
All of these tasks may help the adults in the family to ignore the turmoil brewing within. However, the same can’t be said of the younger members of the family. Teens and kids alike are known to have a more difficult time with handling the concept of death. They may also have varied responses to it.

One reaction that you should anticipate is shock. Others, like anger and irritability, or withdrawal from loved ones, may be less so. Physical effects may also manifest in the forms of appetite loss, stomachaches, and headaches.

You can’t help these responses, of course. But you shouldn’t feel helpless in the face of these symptoms. There are many ways you and the rest of the family can help kids and teens with coping. Here are a few.


Comforting the younger members of the family is perhaps the most obvious way a parent or relative can help with the coping process. Teens have a better understanding of the permanence and inevitability of death, but this doesn’t mean that it doesn’t upset them.
Being present to reassure them, listening to their worries, and offering a hug or kiss every once in a while can help in uplifting their spirits as they try to process the recent passing.
Explain the Circumstances

Death is an abstract concept that adults can help explain in simpler terms. Children are likely to have questions about it, and describing it directly and without the use of euphemisms will be more beneficial in the long run.
After all, using phrases such as relatives just “going to sleep” may only cause more upset, as they worry about and fear bedtime when they really shouldn’t.
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Recommend Emotional Outlets

Activities such as art, playing video games, and participating in sports can help children and teens alike to express their feelings regarding the unfortunate circumstances. Giving them an outlet helps in staving off any possible tantrums or breakdowns that might occur.
Furthermore, these activities can also help them in remembering the loved one who passed. You can also encourage them to do things that they used to share with the deceased to dig up pleasant memories, as well.

Stop Ignoring Your Own Grief

Parents or guardians tend to put the needs of their kids before theirs. While this is inspiring at the best of times, it isn’t really helpful for everyone in the long run. Caring for others entails caring for your being, too. This means taking the time to process your own emotions about the death, so that they’ll hopefully better by the time you need to help the kids cope.
Death is a miserable concept that kids have to deal with, too. However, it should be noted that no one has to cope alone since we all have family and friends with us.

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