Need a Food Business? Serve Healthy Dishes!

Healthy food bowl

Do you love food? If you want to sell food but want to be sure that there’s a good market for it, then what you’re looking for is a healthy food restaurant. Studies and surveys show that Americans are ready to pick more sustainable, cleaner food options. What they lack is easy access to them.

Americans Desire Better Health

In 2018, Nielsen revealed the growing popularity of plant-based food. Based on their survey, more than 35% of the Americans followed a specific diet. Among those, 39% started eating plant-based products.

A 2016 survey by the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) showed that 67% of people above 18 years old wanted concession stands and vending machines to have healthier options for food and drinks. The percentages were high across generations, with the millennials having the biggest clamor.

Grand View Research data, meanwhile, cited how gluten-free products alone could reach over $30 billion in market value by 2025. The bottom line is that there’s a growing market for healthy food, and its popularity is understandable. Study after study revealed how eating healthy could provide numerous benefits physically, mentally, and even financially.

In a 2019 study, the University of Manchester researchers discovered that diets that focused on weight loss, nutrition, and fat reduction could help ease depression symptoms.

Research from the American Association for Cancer Research said a healthy lifestyle composed of physical activity, no alcohol consumption, and a proper diet can help reduce the risk for different types of cancer. These can include prostate, colon, and breast cancer.

A nutritious diet can also have a financial impact. According to the senior managing scientist of Exponent, a scientific consultancy company, if at least 20% of the population will follow a healthy diet, they could already save as much as $20 billion.

These costs represent both indirect and direct spending associated with over eight health outcomes. These can refer to hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, among others.

Looking for Access

Woman eating a bowl of saladAlthough they are ready, Americans have issues with access. This makes business options such as a healthy food franchise ideal for you. A report by the American Heart Association revealed that only 28% of shoppers have convenient access to healthy food. About 11% said that they couldn’t find what they’re looking for.

The reasons can vary. One of the problems is the budget. For many Americans, eating healthy isn’t cheap, but many food franchises today can already provide an affordable menu, including those that are on the go. Another challenge is the presence of grocery stores, especially in rural areas. Between 2006 and 2010, Kansas lost about 20% of these retail shops.

While business still boils down to the chances of profitability, you can consider opening a healthy food business in a strategic location such as an area. It can be in the center of a busy district that is also close to towns with people 1,000 or less. These will help you serve people often bypassed by big brands while at the same time provide some good competition in the busy area.

Regardless of how you want to sell healthy food, one thing is clear: the market is ready. You need to tap it.

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