6 Services to Contact When Renovating an Old House For Lease

a miniature house model on top of a contract with keys on the side

If you’re looking to renovate an old house to put it up for lease, you’ll need a team of reliable contractors and resources. There are dozens of services that can help you with your renovation project, but not all of them are created equal. To ensure the job is done right, here are some essential services to contact before renovating your old house.

1. Architecture Firm

If you plan to make major changes to the structure of your house—such as adding extra rooms or altering existing ones—an architecture firm should be at the top of your list. An architect will create detailed plans for any structural changes you wish to make and provide invaluable advice during the renovation process.

They can also help you select materials and fixtures that complement the style of your house while staying within budget. For example, if you own a traditional Victorian home, an architecture firm can suggest designs that will help restore the building to its original glory.

In addition, they can help you obtain permits and other legal documentation necessary to begin renovation work. This can include zoning variances, special inspections, and more.

2. Plumbing Services

An old house likely contains outdated or faulty plumbing systems, so professional plumbing services are essential. A plumber can inspect the existing pipes and drains to identify any areas that need to be replaced or repaired.

They can also install new fixtures such as faucets, toilets, showers, and more. For instance, if you want to add a new bathroom, a plumber can help with the installation of all the necessary plumbing components.

Moreover, they can help you upgrade your water heater and other appliances to ensure they are up to safety standards. This is especially important if you plan to rent out the house once it’s renovated.

3. Electrical Safety Experts

Hiring an electrician to inspect your old house’s existing wiring and circuit breaker is also essential. They can identify any outdated or faulty components and replace them with modern, secure alternatives.

Additionally, they can help you set up new lighting fixtures, appliances, and other electrical systems throughout the house. This includes installing exterior lighting, security systems, and even solar panels.

Finally, an electrician can also help you with any energy efficiency upgrades you may want to make. This could involve replacing old outlets and switches with energy-saving ones or adding new insulation to keep the house warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

different electrician tools on top of a wooden table

4. Real Estate Agent

Renovating an old house is a huge undertaking, so it pays to have an experienced real estate agent by your side throughout the entire process. A real estate agent can advise you on market trends and give feedback on potential improvements that could increase its market value down the line.

They can also connect you with potential tenants and handle any negotiations if necessary. For instance, they can help you set a fair rental price, draw up a lease agreement, and ensure compliance with local laws.

Having a real estate agent on board is especially important if you plan to use the house as an investment property or vacation rental. That way, you’ll be sure that all your hard work pays off in the long run.

5. Real Estate Lawyer

Before putting any property up for lease, it’s important to consult a real estate lawyer who specializes in rental properties in your area. A real estate lawyer can go over any legal documents with you (such as contracts and leases) and advise on best practices for screening tenants prior to move-in day.

Having a qualified legal team behind you can save time and money if any disputes arise between landlord and tenant. For example, they can help you navigate any eviction proceedings or tenant disputes.

Overall, a real estate lawyer is a valuable resource for anyone looking to rent out their renovated old house. They can offer guidance on every step of the process and provide legal representation if needed.

6. Property Management Company

Once all renovations have been completed, hiring a professional property management company is highly recommended if you don’t want to manage everything yourself (like collecting rent payments).

A property management company will take care of all day-to-day operations, such as filling vacancies, responding to maintenance requests, and handling tenant issues, allowing landlords more freedom while ensuring their rental properties remain profitable over time.

Furthermore, a property management company can also help you find a qualified cleaning crew for move-out inspections and even provide you with tenant insurance if needed.

Renovating an old house is no small task—it requires careful planning, budgeting, communication with contractors, understanding local building codes…the list goes on! That said, having reliable resources by your side throughout every step will ease some of these challenges along the way—and that starts with reaching out before beginning any renovations at all! From plumbers and architects to real estate agents and property management companies — these essential services should provide more than enough assistance when tackling projects like these in the future!

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