The Most Effective Kinds of Content That Brands Use

When reaching core audiences, the best way to connect with your target consumers, take ownership of the narrative, and increase engagement with your brand is by making use of compelling content. The rise in professional content writing services can be attributed to this growing demand from both established companies and smaller businesses that aim to have a brand voice that speaks to the more discerning public of today’s digital age. With those in mind, it’s not only essential to use the right words but also to make use of the best platforms and methods to communicate. Here are some of the most effective content streams that continue to hook buyers and web surfers in:

Influencer Videos

The combination of text, audio, and interesting moving pictures does wonders for ad retention. Videos have consistently drawn in more viewers, with engagement rates 59% higher than any other type of post. Creating a well-written video with the right aesthetics and just the sweet spot in terms of length, you can generate more interest for your brand across platforms.

That increases even more with the strategic use of influencers, who can draw in an established fan base to seek out your video in the first place even if it doesn’t organically pop up in their feed. Creating content that is true to the brand but can also match the tone of chosen influencers can garner a lot of shareability. This medium is also distinctly popular in the most popular platforms for influencers, namely Facebook and Instagram.

social media

Social Media Posts

Because social media has become all-engulfing, creating content tailormade for it can be great for building traffic to your pages and interest in your brand. Being able to create a social media voice makes your brand more relatable and, at the same distinctive from other competitors out there. That also has the major advantage of allowing you to make use of hashtags and challenges to get your content trending.

Even on Twitter, half of their users rely on product recommendations from influencers with that coveted blue checkmark. Being able to create content that works across different social networking sites is crucial in making cohesive messaging that also caters to each demographic that fits the style of the platform you’re posting on.


This option is arguably the best choice for content if you’re aiming to build up your Search Engine Optimization, as it is more likely to pop up on search results if you make use of the right keywords, structure, and website. With blogs, you can have more in-depth and informative content that directly advertises your brand by way of answering questions that may be out there on the Internet. That brings in people who are already looking for services or products that are relevant to what you are offering an immediate step closer to converting them into customers. On top of creating searchability, blogs are a great resource that can be linked to easily so that users from any SNS can share your content with their connections.

If you’re hunkering down on your content creation, make sure you put in your efforts into these forms so you can create the buzz you’re looking for.

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