Understanding the Types of Website Layouts

Website Layout Process

Have you ever wondered why there are so many types of websites? One of the reasons is because web design demands that one plays with height and width to create sites that fit different requirements. Over the years, there have been conversations about liquid, fixed, and elastic measurements as features contributing toward an optimal viewing experience. The question has been how website owners can balance their desire to have control without affecting viewer experience.

Working with a B2B digital marketing agency will help you know that whatever option you settle for, it will still affect how the viewer experiences your website. It will change, for example, how long they spend on your site and consequently impact your sales. The better question then is how to make the kind of changes that will have a positive effect.

The following are among the common web layout types:

Absolute Layout

Some businesses will opt for this layout. In this case, absolute measurements, often in cm, inches, picas, and mm are used. Such measurements are traditional to print media. The move from print media to web formats meant that for a while, all people use absolute layouts. One can still see them in, for example, Microsoft Word documents that format and size documents using standard printing dimensions. These layouts will limit web design. An example of their use is introducing static PDF documents.

Relative Layout

In this case, the website is positioned relative to the browser of the user. One gets to change the viewport by adjusting the size of the window to their satisfaction. Typically, relative layouts rely on all devices working at full width. The layout scales per the situation of the viewer.

Fixed Layout

Few other web design layouts are as inflexible as the fixed layout. The designer uses pixel measurements and digital resonance to transfer the designs to print. The medium often depends on fixed measurements. There is little guesswork in fixed layout designs, as measurements are accurate. The websites will appear differently in various browsers. Fixed layouts are popular with businesses that like predictability and control over optimized plans.

Elastic Layout

web design

Elastic layouts are named this way because they shrink and grow to meet content needs. Many designers have come to love these layouts because they scale text size and content. Different from fixed designs, the best option is absolute unit elements and flexible content. Choose this layout if your website is more centered on content than the images. Note that there is a danger of getting text sizes that exceed the viewport and demand horizontal viewing.

Scaled Layout

This web design layout allows one to manipulate the viewport around the different device orientations. The layout will change based on how the user holds the device. Unlike others, there will be no reliance on measurements in this case. This layout shines on smartphones where orientation is a significant thing.

There are many options to think about and they all make sense both theoretically and pragmatically, but for different applications. Pay attention to the scope and the details of the designs. The layout you choose must be able to keep the attention of the user. It is worth noting that there is no perfect solution for all problems.

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