Business & Environmental Policy

What to Look for In Health Insurance for Your Company

Employers are often tasked with finding the best health insurance for their employees. This can be a daunting task, as there are so many options. Here are some of the most important things you should look for in your company’s health insurance plan. Health insurance is an expense that companies must get for their employees

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businesses during pandemic

Finding Success in Business During Unpredictable Times

Business ventures that are already established are still susceptible to risks. That’s something business owners and entrepreneurs should know and be ready for. The rise of COVID-19 cases had many business places and companies affected. Jobs were lost, and revenues got cut. And with the emerging variants of the virus, it seems like times are

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group working together

7 Ways to Increase Office Productivity

Employees might be stressed out by information overload, daily hassles, and strict deadlines, resulting in lower productivity. The productivity of a corporation is its lifeblood. If you want your employees to be more productive, it may come down to the structure and culture of your office. The location, layout of the office, furniture, equipment, movement

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women eating at a restaurant

Getting More Customers in Your Restaurant Through Innovative Ways

Restaurant owners have already gained access to innovative technologies to streamline their daily operations in the past years. In addition, they can also find new apps and tools that weren’t available before. Due to the ongoing pandemic, people now take advantage of innovative restaurant technologies that offer in-person ordering, pick-up, contactless delivery, and online ordering. Below are

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office full of employees working

Staying Relevant in the Market: How Businesses Can Stay Competitive

There are many reasons why staying relevant is important for businesses. One of the most obvious reasons is establishing a competitive advantage. Trends change constantly, and staying up to date will help you keep your lead over competitors that may be falling behind. Staying relevant also helps ensure that people care about what you do

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realtor holding house keys

The Challenges and Opportunities of a Real Estate Investor

The challenges and opportunities that come with being a real estate investor are numerous. Whether you’re new to the game or have been investing for years, some challenges will pop up along the way. The good news is that challenges can be overcome by taking advantage of opportunities when they arise. The challenges and opportunities

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The New Bipartisan Infrastructure Law: Getting Ready for a New Year of Economic Growth

The historic bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) authorized the funding of $1.2 trillion federal aid for the construction and rehabilitation of the country’s transportation network, broadband infrastructure, electrical grid, and clean water facilities. The aid is divided and set for new programs, with $550 billion funding, and continuation of core programs under the

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Selling your company

Eight Best Times to Sell Your Company

When selling your company, it is important to determine when it is most valuable. In this article, we’ll explore five different times in a company’s lifespan when they are at their peak and best time for sale. To make the process less confusing and difficult, you must have a clear idea of your company’s value

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a trowel and a cement rake

Launching a Brick-and-Mortar Business: How to Make It a Success

It’s time for you to take the plunge and take your business from the web to a brick-and-mortar place. When deciding if a physical location is right for you, many things to consider. Still, one of the most important considerations is what kind of customer experience you want your business to offer. Will you be

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