
couple having a fight

Divorce Settlements: An Amicable Separation of Your Finances

No matter how much couples try, some marriages are just beyond repair. Recently, the divorce rate in the U.S. has been declining. But it is still best for couples and would-be couples to be prepared for the worst situation to think of the proper course of action when it comes. Divorce may turn into a

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online class

Online Education and Today’s Children

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has radically changed the manner by which children are educated around the world. With people forced to stay in their houses, remote education has become the norm. With it, new approaches in teaching and education were produced, albeit in a hurry. How can children cope with these new developments in

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interacting with cloud software

Hard(ware) Failures: It’s Time to Trust the Cloud

Proper data storing and file recovery are both important aspects of any company’s operations. These allow companies to store data in secure places until it has to be retrieved and easier for archiving records. Records and files are no longer kept in storage cabinets but server rooms and external drives. However, because technological innovations are

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the white house

How Blockchain Is Integrated into the Government

Blockchain is becoming part of everyone’s life. It is being integrated with mobile data, social media sites, banking sites, and more. But one of the biggest integration of blockchain technology is with the US government. The government is currently looking for ways to leverage the technology to run various government processes such as registration and voting.

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hand over miniature house

Different Scenarios Where a Tenant May Require Insurance

Tenants often do not realize that carrying insurance can benefit them. Most of them think that their landlord’s insurance covers them, but that is not always the case. Your landlord insurance does not apply for your liability and property as a renter. Every renter would want to imagine that home fire or damages will never

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Protecting Your Legacy: 3 Things You Need to Know

Many people die without a plan for the legacy, and it’s easy to chalk it up to sheer negligence. But the situation isn’t as clear-cut as it seems. There’s a common belief that only the super-rich need to plan their estate, and this misconception affects everyone. Let’s start with what estate planning is. It’s basically

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lawyer and family

Children and Divorce: Making the Process Easier for the Family

They say that 50% of marriages end in divorce, but studies today say otherwise. The only resemblance of truth this adage had was in the late 20th century, where 48% of American couples ended in divorce. But nowadays, studies have shown that millennials are waiting longer to get married and staying in marriages longer than

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auto accident

4 Most Common Auto Accidents

If you own a car or any motor vehicle for that matter, you need to know how big a responsibility it is to use these vehicles. Being an irresponsible driver can cost you your life or someone else’s. Motor vehicle accidents cause 1.3 million fatalities a year. That’s over 3,000 deaths per year globally. In the

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child wearing face mask

How Can Schools Help Mitigate the Spread of Coronavirus?

The announcement that many primary and secondary schools in the US would reopen in the fall was met with dismay and protests. Many feared that allowing children to interact and be in close contact with other kids would put them at risk of the COVID-19 virus, as evidence has shown that, contrary to initial reports,

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