Four Custom Promotional Clothing Mistakes to Avoid

Custom promotional clothing, such as shirts and hoodies, are a perfect way of marketing your company. Custom shirts boost your brand identity and add a professional look to your employees. Every business knows that it’s impressive to spot their company’s T-shirts in a local coffee shop, at the airport, or out in the wild.

Your business is on the right track if it decides to use custom T-shirts in your brand marketing strategy. However, you need to learn about the common mistakes that prevent companies from enjoying increased sales even after branding their T-shirts. Most first-time companies often make costly mistakes when ordering or using branded T-shirts.

Not investigating on all clothing options

You should investigate the promotional clothing in Australia that best serves your needs before settling for one. From caps, sweaters, T-shirts, hoodies, to polo shirts, businesses have several promotional products to choose from based on preferences. When selecting the promotional clothing, make sure that you consider your objectives such as a school fundraiser or a charity event. Also, consider the type of clothing that your target audience would prefer. You should even think about the season and location to avoid making this costly mistake.

Misspellings or typos

One of the biggest mistakes to avoid is typos or misspelling on your company’s T-shirts or other promotional clothing. That means that the entire batch of promotional apparel is unusable, and you might have to start all over again. You should see a mock-up of the custom apparel so that you know how the clothing will look, which helps in correcting printing and design mistakes. Also, make sure that you select the right file type before sending it to the printing company to avoid typos.

Not understanding the trends

girl trend clothing

The other costly mistakes that you should avoid when using promotional apparel is not paying attention to the trends. You don’t want to design and print T-shirts or hoodies that are not stylish or comfortable for your customers or staff to wear. You need to stay in line with the trends so that your custom apparel can be worn for a long time. Also, you want your customers and employees to feel proud of being in your company’s promotional clothing.

Including dates in the design

Including dates on your promotional shirts or hoodies is a bad idea. The dates will become outdated, and your staff or customers will feel weird wearing a T-shirt that was dated months or years ago. If you have plans of selling the promotional clothing after your event, avoid dates on its design. However, some occasions are suitable to have dates printed on the apparel. For instance, if you are giving the guests a souvenir or if the participants get the promotional shirts as a token of accomplishment.

Promotional apparel is an integral part of a company’s overall marketing strategy. As such, you should avoid falling into any of these pitfalls if you want to reap the fruits of your marketing campaign. Importantly, for quality work, hire a professional screen and embroidery provider for your next custom clothing project. You should also consult a promotional marketing expert for professional advice.

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