The Outcomes of Brand Authenticity and What That Means to Consumers


Nowadays, the digital world is saturated with information more than it has ever been. However, it’s also filled with more materialistic and idealistic themes found on the internet: fashion trends, romanticized daily vlogs, and unrealistic lifestyle expectations. These are some of the most accessible and common kinds of content or branding relayed on social media. Everyone wants to be hip and live a particular lifestyle. But sometimes, it does feel like we’re chasing a pipe dream. When people are drained or tired of dreaming and chasing, they find retreat wherever they can, which can be found on the internet.

Why Authenticity Is Magnetic

With all the facades and self-presentation strategies people keep up on social media, it’s refreshing to come across a content creator, for example, whose brand is the complete opposite of that: authenticity. The go-to comfort vlogger of many, Emma Chamberlain, is an excellent example of this. People are drawn to the cookie-baking, grocery shopping, and everyday things she does in her vlogs. Why could that be? She isn’t doing anything special, yet she can garner millions of subscribers on her channel. How does she make the trivial everyday things mesmerizing? The reason behind the attraction towards her content is simple. Her daily routine and habits are relatable.

Transparent, relatable, and honest content seems to be garnering attention from many people on the internet—so much so that one of the things brands base their image and values on is authenticity. This is something that every brand design studio should have a clue about. Today, a brand’s authenticity is a contributing factor in deciding whether it is worth supporting or not.

The Brand’s Point of View


Brands can express authenticity too. In fact, consumers favor authenticity in brands too.

Connect on an Emotional Level

Authenticity requires honesty, and honesty cannot be without the downs as much as the ups. In other words, customers appreciate seeing warts and all. But other than that, customers are attracted to things that appeal to their needs, aspirations, and current state. Initiating and forming this connection with customers contributes to brand loyalty, later translating to financial benefits.

Stay Consistent

Expressing messages that are consistent with the brand identity and values is consistency. Thanks to social media, marketers can easily communicate and distribute content to a brand’s audience. Inconsistent messaging can sometimes be the outcome, especially during the formation phase of the brand identity. Although a phase of experimentation and exploration is necessary, always document what’s working and what’s not. That way, marketers can weed out what will work and what won’t. Failing to do so may result in inconsistency and general mistrust towards a brand. Long story short, consistency is a critical component in developing a genuine brand.

Value Your Values

In other words, walk the talk. A genuine brand is one that chooses to be open and consistent in its branding efforts without straying from the core values that it adheres to. Core values are critical for attaining objectives and defining a company’s internal culture. These ideals should, however, be represented in interactions and communication with consumers, too. These principles will resonate with a brand’s audience if they are displayed and practiced consistently.

The Audience’s Point of View

Authenticity begets authenticity. Here’s how the audience translates theirs.

Choosing Loyalty

When customers have complete faith in a brand, they are more inclined to make the brand their first choice. Moreover, they will stay loyal, advocate, and even defend the brand if need be. On the other hand, a lack of trust can result in revenue loss. That’s because customers who are loyal to a brand contribute significantly to its growth, especially financially with their repeating purchases. By practicing authenticity, a brand is actually also investing in loyal customers.

Consider establishing a loyalty program for loyal consumers to show your appreciation and boost morale. Apart from being an appealing prospect goal for new consumers, exclusivity will make loyal clients feel special.

Authentic Feedback

Genuine reactions yield genuine curiosity. When first-time or long time customers do a review or share feedback about a product or service they received from a brand, this yields an increased chance of getting more first-time buyers to make a purchase themselves. Remember that the customer is wise. They do their research and read reviews before adding to the cart. Reading other people’s thoughts and experiences about the product weighs heavily in the decision-making process. Keep the review channels and platforms open for reviews. Stay open listen to what they have to say.

Final Thoughts

Being and staying real sells. Whatever industry a business may be in, it’s tested and true. From relatable memes to origin stories we can empathize with, authenticity holds everyone’s attention. It’s not only because your customers are smart but also because they’re human. And if there’s an innate human tendency we all can attest to, it’s the need for connection.

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