How Can You Understand Search Intent?

Search engine and search query concept with tablet and magnifying glass icon

Competition is getting stiffer and stiffer in online marketing as more and more businesses are using the Internet to reach their customers. One game-changer that you should know about is search intent. Identifying and understanding the purpose or intent of a potential customer allows you to make a pitch at a level where they are likely to convert.

Experts on SEO from Seattle, Washington classify the three types of search intent:

  1. Navigational – Go
  2. Informational – Know
  3. Transactional – Do

Navigational Intent

This is the type of intent that marketers easily comprehend and may not need as much attention and optimization. These are queries made by users who have a specific destination in a distinct niche. They already know what they are looking for generally such as a brand or certain website. They input a company name and just click the links and browse the website.

Informational Intent

This intent is generic and as its name states, a user is looking for more information before making a decision. These users have a topic or problem in mind they would like to learn more about; however, they are further up the sales funnel and will not convert immediately. Some of the queries that fall into this category are how-to questions, what is x, shoe sizes, and other generic search terms.

Create content that focuses on this type of intent. Doing so allows you to reach your target audience at the beginning of their purchasing journey. This enables you to build brand awareness and make a connection without hard selling. You can then move them further down the sales funnel once you present the advantages and solutions your company provides.

Transactional Intent

E-shopping Online Business Promotion Shopaholic Concept

This type of intent is further down the sales funnel because they are likely to convert and make a purchase immediately. Some of the terms a user inputs include “by x product,” “best item for less than $500,” or brand name items. These users already have all the information they need and just need a little push to click “buy” and “pay”.  Create and optimize content that suits this frame of mind to get the results you want.

Keyword Research

Search term research matters in capitalizing on a user’s intent. This allows you to determine which keywords are the most used and which ones a person will likely input. There are tools such as Keyword Keg that help you find the right terms for your planned campaign.

Content-Driven Approach

Knowing searcher intent is only the tip of the iceberg; you’ll need to create content that matches the intent of your intended audience. Determine the appropriate keywords and combine these with articles, videos, images and other types of content that address the current need of those that will see them. Focus on a topic and provide a solution that leads a visitor toward the action you want. Set the tone of your piece and use the language your target market uses. Keep your content simple and straightforward to convert at a higher rate. Integrate the intent of users into your campaigns and you will get the results you desire.

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