February 21, 2019

Motorcycle accident on the city street

Parties That Can Be Sued in a Motorcycle Accident

Over $10 million is spent annually for the repair of motorcycles and the meeting of medical costs by motorcyclists involved in road accidents. A large percentage of this amount, unfortunately, comes from the motorcyclists’ pockets. This is because most will not pursue compensation since most legal systems are prejudiced against them given their bad rap

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checking a website

5 Signs Your Website Needs an Overhaul

Digital marketing is a crucial part of every venture. Besides, most people these days search online before making purchases. As such, businesses should not risk having an outdated website or one that doesn’t serve the intended purpose. Your venture’s website may have been state-of-the-art when you designed it as you were starting your business, but

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group of happy employees

Pep Talk: The Secret to Motivating These 3 Types of Employees

Smart leaders know well that a productive employee is a highly-motivated employee. A good ‘pep talk’, which takes many forms, a team-building activity, a salary raise, a trip to an exotic island, is crucial in reaching business goals. What people get wrong though about motivation is, they tend to approach it in the general sense

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Person pressing the brand button

Developing Your Brand Identity

There are several factors to consider when planning for the success of your company. These include the design of your product, the location of the business, and the pricing, among others. Brand identity is another important, though often underestimated, factor. It is often mistaken for the visual elements, such as logos and letterheads. However, brand

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coins gavel and paper with bail bond written

5 Steps to Become a Bail Bondsman

The justice system has several other professionals besides lawyers and judges. A bail bondsman offers an accused the bail amount to post bail after they have been paid a percentage of the total amount. The portion paid by the accused or family member is the bondsman’s fees, while the bail amount is returned to the

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Woman handing paper and pen

5 Things You Should Know About Liability Insurance for Charterers

Activity in the industry of shipping is called chartering. Chartering also means finding a ship and the act of delivering cargo for a fee which is a freight rate. Chartering involves huge sums of money because the rates are calculated on a ‘per-tonne basis’ for a specified route/s. Rate may also be expressed on a

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Franchise concept

A Guide to Franchising Your Business

Is your business doing well? Would you like to expand it fast? Starting a franchise program can help you grow your business at a fast pace and give business opportunities to others. Here are some tips to consider when planning for your franchise program: 1. Define your concept Have a clear plan on how you

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